Monthly Archives: January 2012

Why I Draw Half a Face

I like to think that I am a professional doodler. It is loads of fun to decorate the edges of my notes with scroll work that takes up more of the paper than the notes actually take. Thankfully I haven’t needed to hand in the majority of my notes, or my professors would be wondering if I actually listened. Sometimes I don’t, since I can only sit and listen to someone for so long before I start drifting, dreaming, and puzzling out the life that surrounds me.

I have to truthfully say that my doodling became professional in my sophomore year while attending my World History class. Best class ever, and actually the last one that specific teacher taught. He retired after that year. I promise it was not because of us. But he had us take notes and hand them in, however he gave us the pieces of paper that we were supposed to write on, and on these pieces of paper there were designated doodle areas. Obviously he didn’t want to have us doodling all over the place, and gave us an area to do it in. It spiraled from there.

Now, I like to draw fake looking eyes, though I generally only draw the right eye. Why? Well I am right-handed. Being right-handed makes drawing things on the right much easier. At least to me. Most of my drawings have a right orientation, being that anything I draw on the left either looks better or worse. They never look similar, it bugs me. I need them to look somewhat similar, plus I draw in pen, so there is no erasing. Well I could get the erasable pens, but that would be boring and they are gross. They don’t erase very well in my opinion. Shame on them!

For now, I shall be rightest since it is easier to draw on the right side.

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Posted by on 2012/01/27 in Everything Else


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Moving the Story On

I am really bad at this writing a post everyday, but I just get those blah days. However, I have gotten to the point that if I do not post at least once a day, I start getting antsy. I feel that I am letting down the millions of imaginary readers that I dream up for myself. Don’t we all want millions of adoring fans? No, well I can’t bring myself to think I am so lowly as to only have a couple thousand. Peasants have only thousands of adoring fans. I need millions. Thankfully they are all imaginary, or this entire planet would have been decimated a long time ago.

As some of you may know, I do text based role play. Like the text-based that has pictures and is about three paragraphs long. This is extremely helpful for developing characters and putting them in situations that I might not think up myself. Many of my characters that I use in my stories were helped along because of role play. Of course this could be slightly detrimental to them, since I will get used to other writing for the characters that are interacting with my character. However, most of them are too worried to move forward with the plot.

Unfortunately, most role players are too scared to move other people’s characters. Since there is generally a rule of ‘No god-modding’, which essentially means you shouldn’t take control of someone else’s character. This can cause a slight problem, in that they won’t move the story forward. This gets on my nerves, since it becomes harder to write the usual amount for me. There are only so many times I can write Norio’s giant ego towards his dragon status, or Elsie’s dislike for showing skin, or Clara wondering if her dolls need new clothes. I have gotten to the point that I will have my characters grab a hold of whoever I am interacting with, and drag them. Or bring in one of my other characters if I have multiples. But sometimes it makes me hate life to pull such underhanded tactics.

It is not that they are bad writers, quite far from it. I generally join role plays that are considered semi-literate to literate. This just means that the role plays have more thought out posts, usually not dipping below two or three paragraphs. Of course, I have joined some role plays that want you to count the sentences in a paragraph, but paragraphs don’t have a set sentence count, regardless of what your English teacher taught you. In creative writing, a paragraph could be made of one sentence, and some are a couple of pages long. But what they are expecting me to do is base a post from a summary of my post.

I am only human people, why do you expect so much of me?

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Posted by on 2012/01/23 in Writing


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Fish in the Drinking Fountain

As you can imagine, I have quite the imagination. This sometimes scares me, and has caused self-induced hallucinations. Like this one time I was little, I had a nightmare. Nightmares in and of themselves are scary when you are little. This one, I had convinced myself that hunters on alligators were stalking the halls of my house, waiting for me to step into their domain. Needless to say, I was absolutely terrified, I couldn’t even call out to my mother who was right across the hall, it would alert the hunters to my position. Finally, I gathered the courage and leaped across the hallway, making it safely into my parents bedroom. The night ended with me crawling into bed with them, and sleeping safely. I never saw those hunters again.

Now, I enjoy imagining things too. Like one of my professors kept repeating the phrase, “Growing Cows”. Now, having weird trains of thought chug through my brain I kept seeing a cows face poking out over a corn-stalk. I even illustrated it in one of my many notebooks. My notebook collect is definitely for a different post.

The only constant for my imagination are the fish in the drinking fountain. Not literally fish in the drinking fountain, but what I associate as fish eyes. Little kids will always tease each other with, “Leave some for the fishes” if one of their peers is taking too long. My imagination took this a little literally, but I enjoyed where it took me. In the drain for the water, sometimes the water will condense and drip down the drain. Of course, I never realized this until a several years later, but at the time it looked like a fish eye, winking up at me. (I see it in the shower sometimes, and I rarely think too much about my own perception when this happens.) I can always hear a little voice calling up to me, “A little water please! I have children to give air to.” Of course I know that fish don’t breathe actual water, they filter the oxygen out, but it is still a rather amusing picture. Don’t you think?

I find myself taking less time at the drinking fountain when I see that winking eye.

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Posted by on 2012/01/20 in Everything Else, Games


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Using my Television

When I got my television and Xbox on Black Friday, I had great plans for it. In my down time I would watch TV or play video games during those times I had to myself. I even got some multiplayer games so my roommate, her boyfriend, or my boyfriend join in on my nice shiny Xbox. It hasn’t happened that often, and this is the third time this week that we have turned on the TV. Though most of the time it isn’t on for more than an hour.

During New Years, I mentioned that I had a TV and Xbox to my uncle and he started to complain that most college students had it good. Which I whole heartedly agree with. Most of my friends either have or have access to a TV and some kind of game system. In my defense, most kids in my dorm who have TVs, have 40″, while I have a 19″. Which I know is just giving me an excuse to not feel guilty about having a TV or Xbox. What I do feel guilty about is that I haven’t exploited by good luck.

However, this might be a good thing, considering it could very easily eat up time. Just like the internet. The internet already eats enough of my time, from looking up pictures of cats, and reading blogs about interesting things. This could be a chance for me to manage my time, possibly put the TV on while on the internet, but sometimes that can get annoying.

For now, I think I will just keep getting more used to having easy access to a TV.

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Posted by on 2012/01/17 in Everything Else


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Frosting is what I want my life blood to be made up of. It is sweet and creamy, and all the things I want to be. Now I usually eat the rainbow chip frosting from Betty Crocker, because it has chunks of candy swarming the inside of it. Of course, this is straight eating of frosting and not licking it off cakes and such. Cakes and me have a bad relationship. It is a hit or miss when it comes to cakes, but I will usually eat cupcakes. Of course, it you put an ice cream cake in front of me, I am all over that. Mmmm, ice cream cake.

I know eating an entire thing of frosting is probably not the most healthy thing I can possibly do, but it is delicious. I treat it like a reward, a way to unwind after a hard day. Though sometimes I eat about half the can and it is gone. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t eat an entire thing of frosting every day of the year, more like once or twice every six months. So I don’t consider it an addiction.

Usually I am god about treating myself, a cookie here, a spoon of frosting there. Nothing that will be too detrimental to my health. I like to eat, drink, and do things smartly. No excess for me…well not usually. Sometimes I just have to keep writing or reading because it is one of those days. But I try not to overdo something, because if you overdo something too many times, you will start to hate that specific thing.

Or at least in my experience you do.

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Posted by on 2012/01/15 in Everything Else


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Friday the 13th

I bet there are a lot of posts going up about Friday the 13th, the best day for bad luck to spread. Mine is probably going to be swimming in amongst the other thousands of posts, or it may stand out. Though I doubt it. As always, I find Friday the 13th the best day of the month/year. I love Friday the 13ths, they bring me such happiness and good luck. Or if they aren’t feeling up to it, another mediocre day.

It always made me laugh when my friends would tell me of the extremely bad days that they would have on Friday the 13th. I have never had a bad Friday the 13th, nor will I ever. I always look forward to Friday the 13th, since I seem to have such good luck on those days. Of course, this good luck could be based off of the fact I am optimistic for the day. It is amazing what a positive attitude will do for a day. Plus, the whole curses and bad luck is definitely up my alley. If there is a good tail to be heard, I am probably there.

I could have been born on the 13th, if only I had waited a day. Don’t get me wrong, the number twelve has gotten me through quite a lot of bad spots, especially in basketball. I respect the number twelve and five, and are usually regarded as my lucky numbers, which is especially true since on December 12, 2012 I turn 21. I like all the 2’s and 1’s., though that zero is out of place, but what can I do? Anyway, 13 is just a magical number to me. It has just held so much power, and I respect that.

Live on dear 13.

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Posted by on 2012/01/13 in Everything Else


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Once Again I am Searching for a Job

Yes, I am on the hunt for a job. Probably start sending out resumes in about two weeks, just to make sure the seasonal staff are gone, or at least I hope. It will be a long road ahead of me, but I believe in myself. And yes I know that freelance writing could be considered a job, but I need a steady job. One of those things that allows me to get a paycheck every two weeks, and save up some cash. Oh cash, how much I need you.

Of course I will have to sort out my time a bit more once I have a part-time job, since I am a full-time student, but I am positive that I can do it. There are probably going to be all nighters, along with saying no to hanging out with friends and boyfriends. It will be a little frustrating until I get in a groove, and hopefully I don’t have dumb managers.

Now I know that most people complain about their managers, but I usually have a beef with them if they are not on top of their scheduling. I like to know my schedule at least a week in advance and not random days of that week. This way, I can plan around such scheduling, and not completely hate myself for telling friends I have no idea what is happening next week. Plus it would also help if the manager/owner ordered the right amount of supplies. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to have to tell costumers we are out of something again. Like every Sunday before it.

Raise your hand if you are a competent manager.

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Posted by on 2012/01/11 in Everything Else


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The Name of Things

Being an author brings one to consider names. Names can mean many things, they are mostly place holders for me until I find a name I really like for a character. Names come and go like the tide, and are forever changing…well up until that final draft, where every author says good enough. Two of my main characters have various names because I can’t just chose one. And don’t get me started on last names, those change faster than the days of the week.

For me, my characters aren’t named symbolically. I know that some authors do this, but that isn’t how I name my characters. How I name my characters is based on what names I like, or what just fits. This can either be an ironic name or something that really seems like them. Though I have gone away from my more exotic names, like Chlorine. I found what I want to name my future adoptive children, even if I have to change their names legally, are not proper for the story unless the character had me as a mother. Which really, they do. Those poor characters. I have been told to never reproduce or adopt for that matter, many people think it is a bad idea for some reason.

There is also the matter of pen names. Should I or should I not give myself a pen name. I already have quite a few ideas, but I haven’t decided yet. It is very much like choosing a name for my characters, it has to fit. I am rather partial to M.E. Gower, mostly because that is what I have on my phone. It is surprising what looking at a certain word or phrase day after day will do to your appreciation for it.

Hopefully, my creative writing class will help me with this naming dilemma.


Posted by on 2012/01/10 in Writing


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My Wants for any Boring Situation

I bet everyone has had these thoughts once in a while during a boring lecture or activity, the thought that someone would break down the door and threaten all that were there. I had these frequently during church and any function that I was forced to go to. I would always have myself as the hero, being able to hide, bide my time, then attack. Winning with just a book being tossed at their head. Though if you have ever seen me throw something, you would know I have horrible aim, which isn’t great if I am placing myself as the book tossing hero. If anything it will make them pause before shooting me down and asking, “Any other heroes want to try?” But you never know, it might be the one time I actually hit.

Anyway, on my flight back to Spokane, I couldn’t help thinking to myself that it would be kind of cool if the plane went down. But then I remembered all the horrible animations where the plane nose dives into the ground. Then the awful image of the Knowing, where the plane crashes and people are running around on fire. Of course, I would hope I would have enough sense to stop, drop, and roll. But I digress. I just get really bored on flights, and either pass out in boredom, or think of all the ways the plane could crash.

Now a plane crashing doesn’t scare me, since they claim that air travel is the safest type of travel. Which makes sense, so I don’t worry much. Plus, I would want to have my plane malfunction over some big body of water. That way I could possibly use a raft. I have never used an inflatable raft, and I will only use them when either my private boat (Which I don’t have) sinks, or a plane crashes. Of course, I don’t want to have it crash on the ocean, cause sharks are a very real danger, so are big waves, not to mention you are surrounded by water that you can’t drink. Also, the ocean is vast, it will take them a bit to get to us. Now if we landed on a river, we just have to float to the shore, or take an impromptu rafting trip. Maybe we could even use the downed plane in this rafting trip. There’s a cool idea.

Now I know people will gasp and tell me, “Mollie, you shouldn’t be thinking of such things!” Which I can understand, since a lot of people are under the assumption I am capable of killing others. Which is ridiculous in and of itself, since I haven’t found a way that I would want to be killed that I would use on others. Remember that Golden Rule? I extend it to taking the life of another. Also, I am more prone to kidnapping young adults/adults and reading to them then actually killing them. Why would I want to kill people when I could instead expand their love of reading. My high school psychology teacher disagrees, and told me at my graduation that holding people in my basement was against the law. True, I’ll wait a couple years to get the logistics right before forcing people to love books. (Note that this is very much a joke, and is more likely to be a plot of a book more than something I will actually do, even if you don’t believe me.)

Now raise your hand if you have also had these thoughts.

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Posted by on 2012/01/09 in Everything Else


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Why I like my Metal Water Bottle

Some years back my high school marching band was selling metal water bottles as a fundraiser. My mother got me one, and I have to admit that it is pretty fantastic. My water stays warm, when I drop it dents really nicely, and I can use it as a weapon. The metal water bottle is a friend to everyone, well everyone who isn’t a threat to me.

You may be wondering why I keep referring to my water bottle as a weapon. Well frankly it is metal and would hurt a lot if it was smashed into your face. I actually brought it along when I went to the UK, not because I wanted to stay hydrated, but because if someone decided they wanted to take my things or attack me, I would have defense. My favorite place to stick it was in my bag, filled with water, waiting for an attacker. It probably also helps that it has ‘Marching Band Zombie’ written on it. I am pretty sure it has a thirst for brains.

Plus, most people are not going to see it as a threat. Who categorizes a water bottle as a threat? They hold the sustenance of life within them. One expects it of keys, batons, sticks, and pepper spray as usual weapons, after all the police tell us to use them as such when being attacked. So having an incognito weapon upon my person, makes me feel that much more protected. One would be surprised at how safe I feel while drinking from my metal water bottle, it is quite magnificence.

I think I will name it Phil.

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Posted by on 2012/01/08 in Everything Else


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