Tag Archives: surviving

Catching up

I know I haven’t been keeping this up for quite a long time and I haven’t written about everything that happened when I was in England, but don’t worry I will. At some point, which is better than never. However, today is not all about apologizing, instead I wanted to use this moment to reflect on all things university and what I have learned from finishing my first year. Yes I finished my first year of university with relatively strong grades. (Mostly A’s)

1. Dorms
I knew going to university and living in the dorms would afford my little to no privacy. I had no fantasy about that. However, I did have some experiences that I will never forget. Like being woken up as firetrucks and police whiz by, sirens blasting as they go to either Dressler or Pierce to answer the third fire alarm that night. The walls are also rather thin and I could hear most everything that my neighbors were doing. And I mean everything. I learned how to make a blanket wall, between me and my roommate, so that I could sleep at a reasonable hour and she could play WOW until about 3 or 4 (I had an early class). Of course I was thankful that I grew up with brothers who liked to be loud when ever I wanted to sleep in. It made dorm life that much easier.

I also learned that I really didn’t need all the books I brought. (I brought two bins full of books.) I have a bad habit of acquiring books throughout the year, that I really only needed the books I haven’t read yet. Of course, I didn’t read all that much, especially when I had my laptop nearby. Also, some of the things I brought like electronics, coloring books, and squirt guns never really came into play. Next year I will definitely have less.

2. Food
That freshman 15 is easier to get than I thought. Though it probably didn’t help that I was eating burgers every night, and ice cream at lunch most days. University food may look good in the bin, but that can be rather deceiving. I have taken the plunge and eaten some rather nasty stuff because it was either undercooked, or too cooked. I had thought at the beginning of the year that I would be eating out a lot, but that was a dirty lie. Food places on campus were close enough and had enough variety (even if some of it was disgusting) to feed any starving student. Plus, to-go boxes gave me the option of eating in my room where hopefully my roommate wasn’t.

3. Free Stuff
If you have ever met me, than you know that I am big on free stuff. Just like the rest of my family. I hear ‘free’ and I come running. I attended quite a few get-together just because there was free food offered. Once I even got a water bottle out of the deal. The free events were also quite nice, I had attended more plays this year than I have in previous years because the plays were free for students. I do have my suspicions that the groups coming to our campus figured that out and that’s why I ended up with a bunch of Bibles and other such books. No offense, but I’m not going to read them.

4. Clubs
I didn’t check out every club they offered, hell I really only checked out two and stuck with the one. Fencing. I heart fencing quite a bit, and unfortunately I didn’t much heart the Harry Potter Club. I don’t know, I just didn’t fit with the Potter fan-club for some reason. Probably because I didn’t really know anyone in it. Maybe next year I will attend more meetings. Who knows? But fencing is now a definite favorite. Lets all that stress out as I try to skewer people on my foil. Oh being all limbs can be good sometimes. Can’t wait for next year.

5. Mothers
I usually only talked to my mother once a week, usually slated for Fridays. She sometimes forgets that I usually don’t hear my cellular device and would have a freak out. (I will tell you about the time she forgot I was babysitting later.) My mother would then tell me off and demand that I give her people’s numbers who saw me on a regular basis. Well I put that off until the last-minute and she still doesn’t have their numbers. I do get warm and fuzzies when I would get packages from her, since they almost always had brightly colored socks. I love my brightly colored socks. These packages also seemed to contain large amounts of candy that I was sure I wasn’t going to finish. I may like my sweets, but I can only eat so many candy hearts.

Well that is all I am going to talk about in this post. Next one will be about classes. Well maybe the next one, since I need to think of things to say about the awful classes to.

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Posted by on 2011/06/15 in Everything Else


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