Tag Archives: short stories

To be a character

So as many of you have guessed, I would prefer to be a writer or work in the publishing business. Preferably both at the same time. I am perpetually writing, in either role plays, fanfiction (though I have not updated in about a year), and short stories. I have a general idea for a book, and actually having a plot book has helped quite a bit. It surprised me, since I usually don’t like planning things out. However, character bios have always stumped me.

Characters are those funny little people everyone sees. Of course, most people see actual people as characters, while those that are inclined towards the arts see them in their imagination. It is surprisingly hard to get those characters down on paper. To flesh them out in all their glory. Because what I have found, is that my characters don’t stay consistent. But their bios are too broad, I can’t narrow it down to just the specifics.

See I run into a bunch of characters, but I don’t know where I want them to be. I have a couple of characters for the book, while others are still floating about waiting for a home. However, I have found a solution. Short stories. Yes I did say short stories. Why you may ask? Well, they are perfect for feeling out your character, and making their origin story. This I find is especially efficient, since most of these characters are minor characters. You aren’t exactly going to know their origin story now are you? No, I didn’t think so.

These characters need an origin though. They need a foundation on which to stand on, and I have found that short stories are great places to do just that. Hopefully people will have just as much fun with my characters as I do, especially the minor ones who don’t always get the spotlight.

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Posted by on 2011/07/21 in Writing


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Time of the short stories

I guess I never realized how much time it took to get a short story published. There is a whole lot of sitting and waiting, and sitting and waiting, and some more sitting and waiting. I have tried to get my first short story Resurrectionist published in a literary journal. I have sent it to four magazines so far, and waiting on answers from the latest two. Maybe I will be surprised and get a yes from one of these magazines, but I am not holding my breath.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Resurrectionist. Every time I reread it, I get all giddy with excitement. Maybe it is just a beginning writer’s excitement of having one of my creations go out into the world, but I absolutely love this story and the characters that are portrayed in it. They have so much potential, and that might be why there have been no yes’s to it. Maybe there isn’t enough concrete development in my short story; however, I do want people to read it.

I have decided that I will be publishing it here if I get three more no’s. I want people to read it. Maybe it’s a mother’s love for my newest creation, and I see it as the best child on the playground. I love Resurrectionist, and I hope the people who read this blog will enjoy it too.

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Posted by on 2011/07/09 in Writing


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