Tag Archives: Watch the embarrassment float away

Oh the shame!

I always feel a bit embarrassed when I don’t write at least three paragraphs per post. But then I remember, that besides friends and family, this blog will most likely go unnoticed for quite some time. Though I have been proven wrong, and it might be sooner rather than later. After all, I already have two comments and a like. I must be doing something right for those invisible people behind shining screens to take time out of their day to comment on a (for now) unknown writer’s blog. We all know that I will become famous one day. Now onto things that aren’t about me.

For the first time this week, there was sunshine. I found it a little ironic that the first nice day we have in about a week landed on the same day that a Holocaust speaker came to campus. Noemi Ban was phenomenal. She gave just enough detail to keep the listener riveted and with her as she recounted her story. I am unusually bad at listening to lecturers, last quarter all I heard from a religious speaker was sandwich and nothing else. I thought I was going to be fed, but alas he was only speaking about how the stories in the Bible were set up. To say the least, I was disappointed and so was my stomach.

During her story, my eyes misted. Especially hearing how her mother, sister, brother and grandmother were separated from her. We all like to believe that we would be courageous, that we would fight against our captors even if it meant death. I however think I probably would have down exactly as she had, survived. Noemi waited, and hoped. She was rewarded for being patient and found an opportunity to escape and took it with eleven other woman. I would hope that if i was ever forced into a situation like that, I would be strong enough to survive and hope. I think that we all would hope for that.

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Posted by on 2011/05/04 in Everything Else


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