Tag Archives: Meandering


I enjoy clouds, not because they bestow lovely, cool rain upon my head, but because I see them as a security blanket. Like my sweatshirts, clouds make me feel safe. They are the pillows I will hopefully land on when gravity finally gets sick of me and relinquish its hold. Hopefully when that time comes, a cloud will be waiting to catch me with its rain and dirt filled whiteness. Once there, I can gaze down upon the earth and wonder how long my fluffy cloud will be with me.

I’ll have to make plans and test how easily it is to jump from cloud to cloud. I doubt the wispy, wilting clouds will allow for much support beyond tugging me faster along the wind like a baby spider looking for a home. What I really want are the big grey thunder clouds, an enveloping and protective casing. I can hide from view and possibly bring nightmarish figures to curious children. Wouldn’t it be nice to alter your security cloud any way you would like? I would probably try to have a fire-breathing unicorn, or a transforming dragon at my side, lightening spewing from their eyes. Thrashing the skies and releasing their woes.

I would ride the clouds down like a slide to the fog. The Scottish Highlands would certainly be my friend for all the fog that twists around the hills. I would use the fog as a tether, keeping me on the ground. Allowing me to walk among the people who gravity still grasped. The silence would be broken with much-anticipated noise of people. No longer would I be surrounded by the roar of planes, wondering if they are flying too close, or the honking of birds as they skitter away from me, surprised to find a human in their domain. However, I would only know how to smile at my fellows, and wave around my wispy cloak, before turning my gaze to the sky for my next fluffy cloud.

I wouldn’t be able to stay in any one place for long. Perpetually moving from cloud to cloud, hoping that this one wouldn’t dissipate before I could get to the next. But one day. One day, there will be no cloud to secure me to this world, and I will drift up into space and maybe find a new world. I would continue to travel. Searching for that perfect cloud. But at that time, it would be into the great unknown. Blind and uninformed.

And at that time, I will have started the greatest adventure of all.

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Posted by on 2012/04/23 in Everything Else, Travels


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