Tag Archives: Plastron

Surprise Yourself

For some reason this post never actually posted. Strange. Oh well, here is this post that was supposed to be posted in January. If it makes you feel better you can pretend that you traveled back in time while you read this. Hrm. Now I am going to watch more Chuck, and possibly have another Chuck post up tonight.

Day 4. Can I get a WOOHOO!!!? Yes, you need to say that in all caps, how you will manage that is beyond me, but try. You might surprise yourself. I personally love surprising myself, like posting four days in a row. Though, I do have to wonder if my posts won’t become smaller and smaller, just because I don’t have something to talk about. Though this is me, I always have something to talk about. Even if it’s about grass growing, which those sped up timelines of grass growing is rather entertaining. You lot should check it out.

One more day before I return to Cheney, school, and a lonely boyfriend. Though that lonely boyfriend has been texting me everyday, he mostly misses my pretty face. I have quite the pretty face, or so my momma tells me. You all can make your own decision by looking yourselves, I have quite the lovely picture on my about page. Go check it out, and ignore the plug to have more people look around my blog. But if it works, then do it.

Now some people might be wondering why my resolution, like last year, is to write more. As a writer, aren’t I writing more than enough? No. I have long dry spells where the evils of the internet tempts me away from what I need to be doing. What I need to do is write, write, and write some more. If I want to become a fabulous author that everyone is talking about, I need to write more. Now I won’t burn myself out, or push myself so hard that I hate the act of writing, because that would just be wrong. Writing is a basic need for me, like breathing or eating. I need to write, and I will never push myself too hard, but I will push myself.

The beauty of making a resolution is to push yourself. I hope to bypass the week limit and make writing a part of everyday life. It will be my time of relaxing, ordering the emotions that run wild on a daily basis. I need the release that writing will give, and I guess fencing. Fencing is up there too with the releasing of emotions. Did I mention that I got a breast-plate and plastron for my birthday? Well I did, and now have the option for competing if I so wish.

Wish me luck!

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Posted by on 2012/02/25 in Everything Else


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